A Cooperative Ownership Framework for AI
CosyAI is enabling common ownership of AI by combining the organisational framework of a multi-stakeholder cooperative with decentralized technologies for distributing ownership of compute for inference and training specialized AI models.
As part of this cooperative framework, we seek to establish a mechanism for organically rolling out an inclusive and fair global basic income.
To make this happen, we are building a coalition of small and medium tech companies, cooperatives, decentralization experts, researchers, and developers who share a commitment to sincere human cooperation and the reduction of global inequality.
We base our efforts on more than a decade of insights from the Platform Coop movement, as well as tools and technologies from the web3 and open source communities.
Join the coalition or let us know about potential coalition partners
Our Common Challenge
Artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and increasingly shapes the world for us and our children. This happens in times of growing social and political polarization, which creates a challenging environment for bringing powerful AI into the world.
Currently, the development of advanced AI is dominated by a small number of big tech corporations, regulated by governments that are often stuck in power games.
Still, we can take the enormous potential of AI as a chance to bring about more equitable, accountable, and sustainable human societies.

Decentralized GPU clusters and data ownership
Two fundamental questions will strongly influence how the AI future will play out:
Who owns and controls the hardware that AI models run and learn on?
Who owns and controls the data needed for training ever more capable AI models?
Cosy AI aims to build the organizational infrastructure for cooperative ownership of decentralized GPU clusters and data.
We rely on technologies built by our members, as well as the wider open source community, and aim at using the most advanced tools for decentralized GPU clusters, federated learning, data DAOs, high security standards, data privacy etc. We are technology agnostic and use any tools that help advancing our cause effectively and efficiently.
A Basic Income backed by AI
There is a third fundamental question about the AI future:
Who benefits from the value generated by AI?
As a crucial step, we seek to create a basic income for people who join and contribute to the creation of a more cooperative world.
The basic plan for for this is simple: CosyAI will generate funds by offering compute power for inference and model training.
Part of the surplus generated by the CosyAI cooperative will be channeled into a basic income fund that automatically distributes funds to accredited contributor-members.
At a later point, both the sources of the basic income, as well as the recipient group will be extended.
Read more about the Cosy Basic Income vision here.


Partners of the CosyAI Coalition
Here the list of confirmed coalition partners, which will be constantly updated. If you are interested in joining us as an individual or an organization, please use the partner form.