A Cooperative Framework for AI

CosyAI is a project to enable common ownership of generative AI by using the framework of a cooperative.

To make this happen, we are currently building a coalition of cooperatives, community organizations, AI experts, and developers who share a commitment to sincere cooperation and the reduction of global inequality.

We base our efforts on a decade of insights from the Platform Coop movement, as well as tools and models from the open source community.

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Our Common Challenge

Artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and increasingly shapes the world for us and our children. This happens in times of growing social and political polarization, creating a challenging frame for bringing powerful AI into the world.

Currently, the development of generative AI is dominated by a few big tech corporations, supposedly regulated by governments that are often stuck in power games.

But we can also take it as a chance to bring about the strongly needed fundamental transition of our global economic and social systems:

AI to promote cooperatives

We can use the increasing capabilities of generative AI for furthering cooperative practices and including people that have been marginalized by the current economic structures. In particular, we can promote and enable common ownership.

As a first step, we offer a CosyAI Suite of safe AI apps based on available pre-trained LLMs. For these apps, we can define and implement common safety standards and responsible data policies.

Cooperative LLMs

In the next step, we will fine-tune smaller LLMs in order to build cooperative AI models that are specialized for the purposes and needs of cooperative organizations and others who are committed to promoting the commons and cooperative practices.

The goal is to offer cooperatively hosted models that offer affordable conditions to those who build the blocks of a more equitable and inclusive economy.

Cooperative Data Pooling

A crucial leverage that we have as a collective is the unique access to knowledge and data of cooperatives and local communities.

With the skills and technologies available within our coalition, we can provide the infrastructure for creating unique, common datasets that are managed and hosted by commonly owned cooperative structures that we can trust.


A Basic Income backed by AI

As a vision, we seek to create a basic income for people who are contributing to building a more cooperative world.

The basic plan for for this is simple: The CosyAI Cooperative will offer the CosyAI Suite of safe AI tools for flatrate subscriptions, as well as access to safely hosted, specialized generative AI models.

A part of the surplus the CosyAI cooperative makes from these services will be used to create a basic income fund. Read more about the Cosy Basic Income vision here.

Read more about our approach
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